Zimmerman Says Governor’s Budget Proposal a Disappointment

February 6, 2024

HARRISBURG - Rep. Dave Zimmerman (R-Lancaster) today issued a statement following the governor’s 2024-25 state budget proposal before the General Assembly that seeks to spend $48.34 billion, an 8.4% increase in state dollars over the current fiscal year budget:

“I was shocked and disappointed Gov. Josh Shapiro would unveil a proposal as irresponsible and misleading as he did today. The amount of new spending he is suggesting would set the state up for fiscal problems and lead to significant tax increases in the next 3-4 years.

“The governor is requesting a historic $1.1 billion increase in education funding. Pennsylvania has made historic investments in education over the past 10 years, yet our students test results continue to drastically decline.

“While I, like everyone else, like the sound of additional money for roads, agriculture and education, he provides little to no details for actual improvements or data to back up his claims that more money would solve our existing challenges. As far as I can tell, much of the money he wants to spend would be splintered into a variety of new programs with no proven track record. 

“And perhaps the most egregious thing he proposed today was generating additional revenue by imposing a 42% tax on electronic gaming machines and legalizing marijuana for adults, along with a 20% wholesale tax. ‘Sin’ taxes have never been shown to be reliable sources of income for a state. And expanding access to marijuana is not something I can endorse.  

“The people of Pennsylvania deserve better than what was proposed today. They are struggling because of the crippling economy. We should be looking for opportunities that allow Pennsylvanians to keep more of their hard-earned money rather than taking more money from them.

“I voted against our last two Democrat governor’s budgets and this is also not a budget I could ever support. I am hopeful the governor will work with members from both parties in the House and Senate to gain consensus on a budget plan we can all agree on before the June 30 deadline.”

Beginning the week of Feb. 19, the House Appropriations Committee will conduct a series of hearings with the various state agencies to further investigate details of the governor’s plan.

Representative Dave Zimmerman
99th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
RepZimmerman.com / Facebook.com/RepZimmerman


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