Shapiro’s Automatic Voter Registration Has More to it than Convenience, Zimmerman Says

September 19, 2023

HARRISBURG - Gov. Josh Shapiro today decreed that anyone in Pennsylvania who gets or renews their driver’s license or a state I.D. is automatically registered to vote.

Rep. Dave Zimmerman (R-Lancaster/Berks) issued the following statement:

“Using the excuse that doing this makes “Voter Registration More Streamlined and Secure” is quite the cover for what essentially is making a gateway for illegal aliens to vote. Shapiro’s unilateral decree also takes away the people’s voice on the matter.

“It is also curious how Shapiro wants voters registered automatically when they get a state-issued identification but opposes voters having to show that same identification when they vote.

“However, the problem with Shapiro’s move is that sanctuary cities have been giving illegal aliens drivers licenses and state-issued identifications. The Constitution says you must be an American citizen to vote. Shapiro’s new order ignores that and offers anyone who can finagle a state-issued identification the franchise, a closely held privilege for American citizens.

“Making this move so close to an election certainly brings into question Shapiro and the Democrats true Intentions with automatic registration.

“Shapiro campaigned on Lifeline Scholarships and made a bipartisan deal with the Senate to do just that, then reneged on his campaign promise and the bipartisan deal when the teacher’s union told him to. I certainly don’t remember him campaigning on registering illegal aliens to vote.”

Representative Dave Zimmerman
99th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner
717.260.6443 /

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